Flexible electronics assembly, commonly known as flex circuit assembly, is the interconnection of electronic circuits. While through hole has long served as efficient design solution, SMT or Surface Mount Technology has effectively taken it over as advanced and efficient alternative. The technology helps in assembling electronic circuits by mounting them on the surface of the boards made of high performance flexible plastic substrates, such as polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyimide films.
Many uses of a flex circuit assembly
Consider any modern electronic device; the application of flex assembly would be the reason behind of its compactness, performance, other than the unique design. Better flex assemblies have resulted in remarkable reduction in the size, design complication and cost of electronic products. Flex electronic assembly has enabled the design of many small and miniature electronics, such as cameras, cell phones, LCD panels, and many more.
Flex circuit assembly has got several advantageous applications. Two of the main are:
Static Applications: These are tightly assembled electronic packages, as in case of modern cameras and such others where electrical connection is designed in 3 axes.
Dynamic Applications: These are electrical connections, commonly found in folding cell phones, where the assembly is required to flex during its normal use.
Flex electronic assembly is also helpful in various electrical connections between sub-assemblies that are bulkier and heavier (as in satellites and rockets). It also plays a vital role in electrical connections, where board thickness or space constraints are the main driving factors, by offering a way to dramatically reduce space and volume of the component.
Flex circuit assembly comprises several identical assembly materials used in rigid PCBs. A flexible plastic base that carries the component interconnection helps in bringing in the desired flexibility in the design. The assembly process of flex electronics ranges from very simple design methods to fully automated complex methods.
However complex and precise the technology of flex circuit assembly is, undoubtedly, it has made modern electronic gadgets much more flexible and efficient.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/electronics-articles/flexible-circuit-assembly-making-modern-electronic-devices-compact-and-efficient-585454.html
About the Author
Myself webmaster of http://www.fpcsales.com - Get the best flex circuit designs, flex circuit assemblies, rigid flex circuits, flexible PCBs and more.